Argentina Mini Quilt

Introducing the Argentina Mini

Inspired by the remarkable Patagonia region, this modern and graphic quilt pattern was written for my Husband to honor his home Country.

Skill Level: Intermediate

Pattern available for purchase

Can you believe this is technically the first pattern I ever wrote? I signed up for a pattern writing course (Pattern Writing Academy), which I took fall of 2020. At the end of the course, you could submit a pattern to be a guest designer for the subscription box, Modern Makes. Argentina was picked along with a few other beautiful designs. The pattern was initially scheduled to be released earlier, but you can’t control it all :). Come February 2022; it finally has its time to shine for all the Modern Makes members. I wrote this pattern in a more challenging way (think tiny pieces) in hopes you slow down and enjoy each step of the piecing and quilting process.

Happy Sewing!

- Katie

Pillow Quilts


Using all Kona Solids

Fabric A: Black

Fabric B: Gold

Fabric C: Neutral

The design was originally written as a horizontal wall hanging but how cute is this pillow! There are so many different ways to create this and make it your own. I can’t wait to see how you bring it to life. Be sure to share on Instagram tagging @zahmco and #argentinaquilt.



Hello! I’m Katie the maker behind Zahm Co. Thank you for being here, I hope you find this blog helpful.

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Katie Zahm

Quilt Pattern Designer

Quilt Sticker Collection


Square Up Fabric